music ministry
What do you think of when someone says, "Let's Worship together"? Here at Zion we believe that worship is our response to God's revelation of who He is and what He has done. We believe that worship should be a celebration and that we should "shout joyfully to the Lord" (Psalm 100). Worship above all is our expression of love and adoration of God. He is the "Audience of One." Therefore, everything that is done and said in worship needs to be with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit as the focus. We are to worship in "spirit and in truth" (John 4:24) which brings both our emotions and our minds to the worship service. Our worship services are multigenerational with a blended music style that is orchestra and choir based. We sing both traditional hymns and contemporary choruses along with gospel songs and traditional anthems. As Christians we need to live our lives each day as Living sacrifices in worship. Worship is something we do all the time, anywhere. We are commanded to assemble together for worship and we invite you and your family to join us each Sunday for worship, celebrating our Risen Lord.
Rehearsal - Wednesdays 6:30-7:45pm
This choir is our worship choir for our morning service. It is open to any adult who feels God's call to be a part of worship leadership in our church as well as special musical programs throughout the year. It provides spiritual and musical growth through rehearsals, fellowship, and prayer times together. Rehearsals are now being held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:45pm in the Sanctuary. If you are interested in singing, come be our guest and sing with us in rehearsal. We have great fellowship and would love to share that with others who also love to sing. This choir has produced two CD recording entitled "The Joy of Christmas" and "You are God Alone."
Rehearsal - Wednesdays 7:45-8:30pm
Our orchestra is a growing ensemble that plays for Sunday Morning Worship. They also play with the choir on many of their anthems and for special Christmas and Easter musical programs. If you play an instrument or you have in the past, please come and be our guest and give us a try. Orchestra rehearsal is at 7:45-8:30pm on Wednesday nights in the Sanctuary. If you are a middle school student, come and let us listen to you to see how advanced you are. The director will determine whether you are ready to play or if you need a little more time to develop before joining us. We encourage all middle and high school students to join us. It's a great experience and tons of fun too.
Questions? We would love to hear from you.