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our beliefs

ZBC adhears to the Baptist Faith and Message published in 2000. 

Lordship of Jesus Christ

We are committed to the preeminence of Jesus Christ as the head of the Church, which is His body. We purposefully place the gospel of Jesus at the center of every part of our life together. We are committed to the Word of Christ to direct every area of our church, rather than the word of man.


Bible Centered Teaching

We will relentlessly and without apology teach, preach, and live the entirety of the written word of God, the Holy Bible.  We are committed to the expository preaching and teaching of the whole Bible, in its proper and complete context, as it is understood through the person and work of Jesus Christ.


Evangelism and Missions

We exist to serve others. It is our goal to go outside the walls and serve our community. We hope that when you join our family that you will carry the same ideals with you. We want to be the church our community can't live without.


Worship and Prayer

We set prayer as a corporate worship priority. We also recognize the need for our people to become people of prayer and to cultivate a lifestyle of ceaseless prayer. We are deeply committed to worship and praise of our God, in music and more, as commanded and demonstrated throughout His Word. 



We exist to serve and grow closer to God. This is our soul purpose here at Zion Baptist Church. It is our hope and mission that through our services and ministries that you are given the tools to build a better relationship with Christ. We want to study the Word with you, pray with you, worship with you, and together know God more.



We exist to build healthy relationships with others. We want to build a community that anyone can rely on for a helping hand. We do our best to build a family atmosphere here at Zion. When you walk through our doors -  you become family. Don't hesitate to share with us your prayer needs and struggles - we care so much. 



We encourage visitors and long-times guests to become an active and vital part of our church congregation. We believe that membership will help you plug in to become part of the family.  Membership draws one into our community and allows for even more volunteer and ministry opportunities. We love you and want you here! 

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