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men's ministry

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7


We all know that a root is the anchoring to all plants, absorbing nutrients and providing long term stability. The term "rooted" means firmly implanted or having roots. We are called to be "rooted and built up in Christ." Strengthened in faith, absorbing and overflowing with thankfulness. As men, it is our job to have an anchoring foundation strong enough to withstand the seasons of life. 



At Zion, we biblically train and equip men to be spiritual leaders in their homes. in the church, and in their places of business. Our goal is to develop men in Christian living to make eternal impacts for this generation and those to come. We accomplish this mission through Bible study, discipleship groups, leadership development, accountability -LifeGroups, mentoring, retreats, mission trips, and special events. In today's culture, it's increasingly important for men to honor God with their hearts and lives and we believe that starts in the ROOTS.


All men, whether you are a member of our church or not, are invited to attend our various events and outreaches. Men will have the opportunity to attend a Men's Retreat each year, along with special breakfasts, fishing, golfing, outreaches, mission trips, and more. 

Questions?  We would love to hear from you.

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